Movement and a level to solve!

Hello everyone!

As promiesed on the previous post, I want to share a level so you can get an idea of what kind of puzzles are presented in the game. What's cool is that you can try to solve it! You don't need the game to have some fun with it! :)

I'm sure you have noticed the colors of the game are somewhat reminicent of the first GameBoy games with the green tones. I actually added more color at the end just to make things clear but to me it stil feels nostalgic and I hope that happens to you too!

Movement and actions

Before we can try to solve any puzzle we need to know the rules. If you're not the type who likes to read I made a gif to explain the movement in one go  so you can skip the rest of this text. In this game you have 9 possible actions where each one has a limited amount of presses, represented witht a number in the buttom right corner of each button. In this gif we can see all the movement and monster! This monster is the slime, a gelatinous living thing, just don't touch it!

I have put the indication of what move it's been used on top of the player. The grid can be activated or deactivated as you find more confortable.

Try to solve this one!

So now you know how to move, let's put that on practice! Leave a comment with what you think is the solution and I'll post the solution with the next update. So here it is:

Hope you have enjoyed this more in depth view.

Se you soon!

Foreign Tree Games.

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